NT002-512 – The Early New Testament Church

Credit Points

12 Credit Points (CPS)

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge and understanding of the contents, themes and theology of the Book of Acts and of major New Testament Epistles.
  • Be able to
    • Outline the history, themes and theology presented in the Book of Acts; and the contents, themes and theology of selected New Testament Epistles
    • Trace key developments and emerging patterns in the beginnings and expansion of the early church
    • Present Organised evidence-based perspectives on the themes and theology of the Book of Acts and of the selected New Testament Epistles
  • Be in a position to relating perspectives from ‘The Early New Testament Church’ to contemporary Christian living and ministry contexts


Section A:

The beginnings and expansion of the church as reflected in the New Testament documents, with special attention to the Acts of the Apostles.  Topics to be covered include:

  • The Jerusalem church
  • Early Christian preaching
  • Stephen and the Hellenists
  • The Pauline mission and churches
  • The Council of Jerusalem
  • Schism, heresy and external threat in the early church.

Section B:

The main issues confronted in and the teaching of at least seven major New Testament epistles.