LA004-812 – Biblical Hebrew B

Credit Points

12 Credit Points (CPS)

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will

A. Know and understand

  1. Demonstrate an Advanced technical knowledge and understanding of Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax (up to one-half to two-thirds through one standard grammar of Biblical Hebrew)
  2. Develop a highly competent Analytical perspective and clear understanding of the essential features of Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax

B. Be able to

  1. Utilise and work towards a mastery of Foundational paradigms, constructions and vocabulary
  2. Read simple blocks of Biblical Hebrew text and Examine them grammatically, with a view to clearly explaining and analysing relevant exegetical elements of the text. E.g. read approximately four chapters of the Hebrew Bible, including one chapter of Hebrew poetry (eg. Psalm 3, Jonah 2)

C. Be in a position to

  1. Beginning to read Biblical Hebrew for oneself, applying grammatical insights to one’s reading and understanding of a Hebrew text, evaluating Hebrew syntactical structures, and explaining such insights to others
  2. Undertaking more Advanced language and translation skills – e.g. translating sentences from English into Hebrew, offering/explaining/evaluating different possible translation options, Critically utilising the textual apparatus, diagramming sentences and paragraphs


Typical areas to be covered would include completion of a standard introduction to Biblical Hebrew.