LA004-612 – Biblical Hebrew B
Credit Points
12 Credit Points (CPS)
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students will
A. Know and understand
1. Hebrew grammar and syntax through completing one standard grammar of Biblical Hebrew
2. About 200-400 words of Hebrew vocabulary
3. Grammatical issues that influence translation and the meaning of the text
B. Be able to
1. Apply grammatical discussions of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament
2. Translate about three chapters of the Hebrew Old Testament into English
3. Discuss translation issues that influence exegesis
4. Use aids to understanding the Hebrew Bible such as lexicons, grammars, concordances, commentaries and software tools
C. Be in a position to
1. Continue translation of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament
2. Identify the interplay between translation and interpretation
3. Commence exegesis of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament
Typical areas to be covered would include:
- An introduction to Biblical Hebrew through completion of a standard Hebrew grammar (e.g., Lambdin, Ross, Weingreen).
- Translation of selected chapters of the Old Testament in the light of the listed aims (e.g., Genesis 1–3, or passages of comparable length and difficulty).