DM010-512 – Youth Ministry

Credit Points

12 Credit Points (CPS)

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will

A. Know and understand

Demonstrate Foundational knowledge and understanding of youth ministry, including the methods and standards of professional, safe and ethical practice.

B. Be able to

1. Outline the biblical, theological, historical and strategic foundations of youth ministry

2. Identify the Foundational aspects of contemporary youth

3. Describe the nature, shape and forms of youth ministry

4. Present Organised evidence-based perspectives on youth ministry

C. Be in a position to

1. Relating perspectives and skills from ‘Youth Ministry’ to contemporary Christian living and youth ministry contexts


Section A: Biblical, Theological, Historical and Strategic Foundations for Youth Ministry with an Introduction to Youth in Society.

  1. The Bible’s teaching on youth and young people.
  2. Developing a theology of youth ministry.  Biblical authority in a postmodern world.  Relational theology. Incarnation and reconciliation.
  3. Historical overview of Christian youth ministry in Australia, especially since World War 2.
  4. An examination and development of strategic models of youth ministry; motivation; goals; content; methodologies.

Section B: Youth Today

  1. A survey of the place and understanding of youth in western society.
  2. Major aspects of youth cultures in Australia, in the light of secularisation.  The changing nature of youth subcultures.
  3. The beliefs and values of significant youth subcultures, including varieties of household types, ethnicity, rural or urban contexts; students, workers and the unemployed.  The contexts where young people gather.