CH001-812 – Christianity in History to 1550
Credit Points
12 Credit Points (CPS)
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students will
Know and understand
- Demonstrate Advanced knowledge and understanding of Christianity in history
Be able to
- Analyse the major phases and developments in the history of Christianity to 1550 in their political and social contexts
- Examine the contribution of selected people to the development of Christianity to 1550
- Critically engage with selected data from primary and secondary sources to formulate Critical historical viewpoints on the period to 1550
- Evaluate Critical evidence-based perspectives on the history of Christianity to 1550
Be in a position to
- Apply knowledge, Critical thinking skills and perspectives from ‘Christianity in History to 1550’ to inform ministry practice as a reflective practitioner
Section A: The Church in Imperial Rome:
- Christians in society: the spread of Christianity to 312
- The challenge of other religions and ideologies, especially Judaism and Gnosticism.
- Caesar: enemy or friend? Decius, Diocletian, Constantine.
- Wrestling with the faith: Origen, Arianism, Chalcedon.
- Worship and popular religion in a collapsing society: 4th and 5th century trends: asceticism, pilgrimage, liturgy, icons.
Section B: The Church as Christendom
- The conversion of Europe 600–900. The Holy Roman Empire.
- Christendom triumphant: the Western church in the 13th and 14th centuries. The development of scholasticism.
- Byzantium, Islam and the Crusades.
- Christendom challenged; protest and spiritual renewal mysticism. The conciliar movement.
Section C: The Continental Churches and Reform
- Reform precursors; renaissance and new learning.
- Reformation as massive change:
- in Germany (1517–1530)
- in Geneva (1536–1564)
- Anabaptist groups
- The Counter Reformation: Trent; the Jesuits; the papacy reformed.