
What our students say

Video Series

Our videos and podcasts allow you to eavesdrop on Trinity faculty and guests as they engage with the Bible, theology and emerging challenges for the life of Christian faith.

Chapel episodes are updated weekly, and recordings from our Trinity Unplugged events are generally made available approximately three weeks after the event.

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What our students say

Listen to what our students have to say about Trinity College Queensland—why they recommend Trinity, what their favourite units have been, and their plans for 2021.

Meet our students

This video from our online open evening in May 2020 explores three questions:

  • What led you to study at Trinity?
  • What is it like to study theology at the college?
  • What impact have your studies and the college had on you?

Three reasons to study at Trinity

Wondering why you should study at Trinity College Queensland? Hear from Iris Marais as she give three reasons that set Trinity apart from other colleges.

Since filming this video, Rev Iris Marais has graduated and is currently the minister at Living Faith Uniting Church in Carina Heights.

When God asks questions: Where are you hiding?

How would you feel if God asked you a direct question? Intimidated? Grateful? Anxious?

This is the first video in a series of short devotions, reflecting on Old Testament passages where God asks questions.

Tune in for 5–6 minutes and consider how you might respond!

When God asks questions: What is your name?

In this short video, Paul reflects on another of God’s questions. On this occasion (Genesis 32), after wrestling with God all night, Jacob is asked the question, “What is your name?”

In other words, “Who are you really?”

The question has powerful implications for Jacob’s future—and for ours as well.

How would you answer?

When God asks questions: What are you doing here?

“What are you doing here?”

9 times out of 10, being asked this question means you’re in the wrong place, doesn’t it?

In this reflection Paul considers what it meant for Elijah, and in turn, what it might mean for us today.

Tune in for 10 minutes and reflect on your expectations of God—and God’s hopes for you.

When God asks questions: Do you condemn me to justify yourself?

Why doesn’t God stop bad things from happening?Surely this is a question that has to be asked, especially in times like this.

But what might God ask us in return? Listen in as Job stands up to God, and consider your own response to God’s searching question.

When God asks questions: Why are you angry?

It’s not wrong to feel angry. But it’s always worth asking where such powerful emotions come from.

Perhaps that’s why God asks Jonah the vital question: “Why are you angry?”

With all that’s happening in the USA at the moment, and with our own history of violence here in Australia, God’s question and Jonah’s answer are well worth reflecting on.

Trinity Unplugged: What is the Spirit saying to the church? (2020)

In this video you’ll hear three talks in response to the question: What is the Spirit saying to the church? Followed by a Q&A session. The talks are 15 minutes each, as follows:

The Revelation of COVID-19 – Rev Mark Cornford, Presbytery Minister, Moreton Rivers Presbytery

If Only I’d Known! – Simon Gomersall, Lecturer in Historical and Contemporary Mission

Zooming Ourselves to Death: Digital Saturation in an Age of Physical Separation – Dr John Frederick, Lecturer in New Testament and Greek

Trinity Unplugged: God’s voice or my feelings? (2019)

Making good decisions is tricky business. Introduce God into the equation and it gets even trickier! How does God’s voice differ from wishful thinking? Can’t the Bible be used (or distorted) to say anything a person wants?

The Bible doesn’t contain an instruction manual for discerning the will of God, and people often lean on volatile or fickle emotional states when seeking divine guidance. So, where does this leave us in our quest to make good decisions which truly reflect God’s will?

Drawing on examples from church history, Dr Paul Jones will focus on the role our emotions ought to play in discerning the will of God.


Trinity Unplugged: “I believe! Help my unbelief!” (2019)

How do you wrestle with doubt and confront uncertainty in a way that’s healthy for your faith?

Join Dr John Frederick for a conversation on how you can go about asking those difficult questions and how integrating uncertainty into a life of faith, when done in a healthy way, helps your understanding of God.


Trinity Unplugged: Things I wish I knew when telling my friends about Jesus (2018)

Dr Sam Chan gives a theologically insightful yet highly practical talk on evangelism for the final Trinity Unplugged event for 2018. Peppered with anecdotes from family life and experiences in (numerous!) planes and Ubers, Sam shares how to turn conversations Godward without putting people to sleep, turning them off Christianity, or lowering your Uber rating!

Trinity Unplugged: “Have you heard the one about the two Prophets, a Lion and a Donkey…? (2018)

“Have you heard the one about the two Prophets, a Lion and a Donkey…?”

The first Trinity Unplugged of 2018 is here! Enjoy hearing about one of the most unusual narratives in the Old Testament, 1 Kings 13.

Trinity Unplugged: Trump, the media and our modern malaise (2017)

2017 talk by Scott Stephens.

Trinity Unplugged with Sam Chan (2017)

Sam Chan shares six tips on how to tell your friends about Jesus.

Sam Chan is the author of Evangelism in a skeptical world: How to make the unbelievable news about Jesus more believable and Preaching as the word of God: Answering an old question with speech-act theory. These books are available from Trinity Theological Library.

Trinity Unplugged with Scott Stephens and Ben Myers (2016)

We know God is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love, but what difference does that make when we hit rock bottom? In this sermon, Rachel Krohn considers how Jonah holds up a mirror to who we are and leads us to a deeper recognition of who Jesus is.

In this sermon Rev Nigel Rogers focuses on the Apostle Paul’s “stopover” in Athens and the way this speaks to how we see truth, sin and love. Through this message we are invited to consider how we see the personal and public truth of God’s love in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

Meaningless? Vanity? Join Dr Victoria Lorrimar, Lecturer in Systematic Theology as she considers the meaning of this key word in Ecclesiastes, and explores how the central message speaks to us in all circumstances of life.

In Philippians 1:14–16 Paul makes an astonishing claim: his imprisonment in Rome has not been an impediment to the gospel but rather has provided a paradoxical catalyst for gospel progress.

If you have ever felt like there is this great divide between you and the apostles—that the scriptures are just someone else’s story or letter—then perhaps it is time to discuss 1 Thessalonians 1.

What has the movie “The Wedding Singer” got to do with Psalm 45? Join Erin Sessions (our adjunct currently lecturing in Christianity in History) as she takes us through this unusual Psalm.

What you see in any given situation may say more about you than it does about what is in front of you. That’s certainly true of the prophet, the boy and the king in this striking story about seeing from the Book of Kings. Listen as Dr Paul Jones unpacks this vital message for the college community.

The sermon for this week is taken from Mark 1:9-11 and draws us into considering what scripts or narratives shape our lives. Through this message Simon Gomersall raises key formative questions regarding the impact unhelpful scripts or narratives can have on the way we understand ourselves, God and others. In so doing Simon leads us into acknowledging the freedom that we have in Christ to be reconciled with God’s truth rather than the erroneous deceptions of harmful messaging conveyed by others.

In 2 Timothy 1:3-14, we learn that before Timothy was called to serve in the household of God he was a student and son in the household of Eunice and Lois—his mother and grandmother. Oftentimes as Christians we feel like the everyday circumstances of life are a litany of semi-frequent failures, mundane attempts at excellence, and a multitude of missed opportunities.

Join us as Dr John Frederick (Lecturer in New Testament and Greek at Trinity College Queensland) highlights the biblical principle that it is actually in the midst of the constancy of the commonplace that God faithfully works to do extraordinary things.

In this final chapel message for 2020, Dr Paul Jones explores the searching question of a scribe and Jesus’ confronting response.

Sermons (podcast)

Dr John Frederick: An Introduction

Episode 1 of our Chapel Podcast series “Fruit of the spirit”. This week we will hear an introduction to the fruits, presented by our Lecturer in New Testament & Greek, Dr John Frederick.


Dr Jamie Smith: Love

Episode 2 of our Chapel Podcast series “Fruit of the spirit”. This week’s fruit is Love, presented by Dr Jamie Smith.


Dr Rachel Krohn: Joy

Episode 3 of our Chapel Podcast series “Fruit of the spirit”. This week’s fruit is Joy, presented by our Lecturer in Old Testament & Hebrew, Dr Rachel Krohn.


Paul Jones: Mark 1:1-3

In the first sermon in this series on the Gospel of Mark, Dr Paul Jones highlights Mark’s particular strategy for unveiling Jesus’ identity as the physical embodiment of Yahweh, the God Israel (Mark 1:1-3). Needless to say, the implications of Mark’s claim are enormous!


Nigel Rogers: Mark 2

In this week’s Chapel series on the Gospel of Mark, Rev Nigel Rogers explores the authority and power of Jesus and the impact this has on our lives.


Dr Victoria Lorrimar: Mark 4:10-12

Dr Victoria Lorrimar preaches on Mark 4:10-12 and the way Jesus’ parables function like secrets, hiding and revealing the kingdom of God.


Dr Paul Jones: Mark 5:1-20

In this sermon Dr Paul Jones shares a sobering word (Mark 5:1-20) about how far Jesus is willing to go in order to interfere in our lives, and rid of us inner demons.


Dr John Frederick: Mark 6:14-29

Mark 6:14-29 details the execution of John the Baptist by King Herod. The text invites us to consider how Herod through his cowardice, faithlessness and political posturing shows that, paradoxically, the “powerful” political leader has less staying power than the beheaded prophet.

Join us in considering how the Gospel invites us to be faithful fools who follow the crucified King Jesus rather than faithless cultural-chameleons who follow the coward King Herod.


Victoria Lorrimar: Mark 7

In this week’s Chapel sermon Dr Victoria Lorrimar takes a look at Jesus’ exchange with the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7.

“Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.”

How do we make sense of this tricky remark?


Simon Gomersall: Mark 8:22-36

In this sermon Simon Gomersall reflects on Mark 8:22-36, a passage that contains the most important question anyone can ever consider.


Simon Gomersall: Mark 11:27-12:17

Continuing the series in Mark’s gospel, this week Simon Gomersall reflects on Mark 11:27-12:17, exploring the question of Jesus’ authority which profoundly challenged the religious and political assumption of his day.


Mike Hands: Mark 14:3-9

Today the college was pleased to welcome as Chapel speaker Mike Hands, Pastor of the New Life Brisbane church plant, reflecting on Mark 14:3-9, with challenging and encouraging words unpacking the nature of, and motives behind, our worship of God.


Today’s gospel reading invites us to reflect on that fact that when we don’t think much on the corrupting power of sin and the destructive power of death, we won’t make much of the cross and resurrection of Jesus. Conversely if we only see the beauty, by “amusing ourselves to death”, we become distracted from the realities of sin and brokenness in our midst. The gospel call us to view the world not as it is in its present brokenness, or in its partial beauty, but as it will be in its future blessedness.

In this way, we rejoice in the beauty that is already here but we are given eyes to see the eternal weight of glory and beauty that is our inheritance—now in the present and forevermore—in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Paul Jones: Exodus 4:24-26

In the first sermon of our new Chapel series, “Preaching Tough Texts”, Paul Jones hints at what listeners can expect in the coming weeks and draws a life-giving message from one of the most perplexing passages in the Old Testament (Exodus 4:24-26).


Simon Gomersall: Acts 4:32-5:11

In this sermon Simon Gomersall wrestles with the New Testament story of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 4:32-5:11), reframing the account to explore the nature of God’s “severe mercy”.


Rev Nigel Rogers: Revelation 17

Rev Nigel Rogers delves into the fantastically apocalyptic domain of Revelation. This exploration into Revelation 17 reminds us of the glory, majesty, power and authority of God, and challenges the way we place worth in things that promise everything and deliver nothing.


Rev Dr Neil Pembroke: Romans 7:14-25

In this sermon Rev Dr Neil Pembroke explores Romans 7:14-25. Neil gives an answer to psychoanalyst Carl Jung’s question: is spiritual perfectionism the driver of the inner conflict that Paul describes?


Dr Paul Jones: 2 Samuel 24

In this sermon on 2 Samuel 24, Dr Paul Jones explores an unusual narrative in which God prompts King David to do something that he then punishes him for. Ultimately, this perplexing final chapter in the Book of Samuel points us to Jesus, whose sacrifice is the last word on divine mercy.


Victoria Lorrimar: Genesis 16

Today’s sermon is on Genesis 16, the use of Sarai’s slave Hagar to provide a surrogate heir. In the era of #metoo and “The Handmaid’s Tale”, Hagar’s story makes for challenging reading, and leaves us with unresolved tensions. Hagar’s experience of “the God who sees”, however, reminds us that God is on the side of the vulnerable and the powerless, those who are otherwise invisible.


Victoria Lorrimar: 2 Samuel 13:1-22

Sometimes the way we have traditionally understood and interpreted a text from the Bible is what makes it a “tough text”. This week we look at 2 Samuel 13:1-22, and how we might resist reading Tamar’s story as incidental to those of her male relatives, instead recognising and amplifying her voice of protest.


John Frederick: 2 Corinthians: 5-6

In this sermon John Frederick deals with 2 Corinthians: 5-6, and shows how the apostle Paul envisions the church to be a community that embodies the suffering love of God.

Basing his argument on the Old Testament text of Isaiah 49, this New Testament text shows that affliction is not a waste, it is as way—the transformative way of the cross for the sake of others, and suffering is not futile; it is formative. Join us and learn how the afflicted church is the authentic church. Learn what it means to be disciples and leaders who embody the love of Christ and thereby participate in the very triune life of God.


Dr John Frederick: 2 Peter 3

Dr John Frederick unpacks 2 Peter 3 and argues that Peter’s language about fire is not a reference to the literal destruction of the earth by God but about the exposure of our works on the last day for judgment.

Join us as we discover how God’s holy love and justice is a consuming fire that reveals the hidden depths of our hearts and invites us to pursue another kind of fire: the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit as it conforms us into the image of Jesus Christ, in both our confession of faith and transformation of character.


Rev Dr Neil Pembroke: Jeremiah 15:10-21

Neil Pembroke addresses Jeremiah’s dangerous complaint and lament to God, calling him deceitful. Wow! Should we really be talking to God like that?


Rev Nigel Rogers: Judges 19

This week Rev Nigel Rogers looks at the confronting text of the Levite and the Concubine in Judges 19. This tough text takes us into the life of Israel as it spirals out of control.


Dr John Frederick: Ephesians 1:1-14


Dr John Frederick: Ephesians 1:15-23


Simon Gomersall: Ephesians 2:1-10


Simon Gomersall: Ephesians 2:11-22

In this week’s sermon Simon Gomersall, Lecturer in Historical and Contemporary Mission at Trinity College Queensland explores how the gospel addresses the profound differences that divide the human race.


Dr Paul Jones: Ephesians 3:1-13

This week Dr Paul Jones shares from Ephesians 3:1-13, exploring how even the Apostle Paul got distracted by the wonder of the gospel.


Dr John Frederick: Ephesians 3

This week New Testament Lecturer Dr John Frederick unpacks the teaching of Ephesians 3 in which—paradoxically—the scriptures teach that the way to spiritual fulfilment is not through acquiring anything but through relinquishing everything for the sake of God and neighbour.


Paul Jones: Ephesians 4:17-32

Do you live with a clear understanding of who you are?

In this sermon Paul Jones explores a principle undergirding Ephesians 4:17-32—that identity determines activity—and challenges us to ‘learn Christ’ by trusting in the gospel’s claim on our lives.


Ephesians 5:1-21

In this sermon Rev Melissa Lipsett explores Ephesians 5:1-21 and takes us on a journey of discovery as to who we are authentically called to be in Christ.


Rev Nigel Rogers: Ephesians 5:21-33

In this sermon Rev Nigel Rogers explores Ephesians 5:21-33 and suggests that the most important issue for the Uniting Church is not marriage but something else entirely.


Rev Nigel Rogers: Ephesians 6:1-9

In this sermon Rev Nigel Rogers explores Ephesians 6:1-9 and draws out the importance of the ekklesia in supporting and encouraging parents and children.


Kamina Wust: Ephesians in 6:10-24

This week guest speaker, Kamina Wust, unpacks Paul’s final instructions to the Ephesians in 6:10-24: to be strong in the face of spiritual opposition, by persevering in their daily Christian lives as an act of spiritual warfare until they share in Christ’s final victory.


Simon Gomersall: 1 Samuel 1:1-18

Simon Gomersall kicks off a new series in Semester 2 of 2018, where the Trinity faculty and a number of guests will unpack key passages from the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel. In this podcast, Simon explores 1 Samuel 1:1-18 which highlights the surprising action of God in surprising people and places.


Paul Jones: 1 Samuel 3

Paul Jones preaches from 1 Samuel 3 on the earliest days of Samuel’s prophetic ministry, highlighting God’s persistent call upon our lives to bring light and hope against the threat of darkness.


Rev Nigel Rogers: 1 Samuel 8-13

Leaders lead people. A leader moves people toward a desired future. However, in this pursuit of leadership a salient question is who leads the leader? In this sermon Rev Nigel Rogers explores the influences prevailing upon Saul’s leadership and how, in this narrative from 1 Samuel 8-13, God’s grace prevails upon God’s leadership of Israel.


Victoria Lorrimar: 1 Samuel 14-15

What happens when we confuse the act and form of worship with the object of our worship? Comparing the responses of Jonathan and Saul to military threat in 1 Samuel 14-15 helps us to understand what true obedience looks like.


Simon Gomersall: 1 Samuel 18:1-16

Speaking on 1 Samuel 18:1-16, Simon Gomersall contrasts the destructive power of envy with the redeeming power of obedient love.


As the tension between David and Saul reaches fever pitch we find the two in a confrontation amidst the wilderness in En-gedi. In this encounter David spares Saul’s life, giving a clear example of what God’s grace and power looks like.


Paul Jones: 1 Samuel 25

In this sermon Paul Jones examines two very different characters in 1 Samuel 25—husband and wife—​and how the same principles of characterisation apply to us who endeavour to reflect God’s image in the world.


There are very few things more difficult in life than loving your enemies. In this weeks sermon Rev Melissa Lipsett unpacks the way in which David not only spares Saul’s life once again but demonstrates a love for his enemy that foreshadows the command of Jesus for all humanity to do likewise.


Everyone has felt the sting of failure at some point. In this sermon John Frederick explores how God draws us out of our collusion with failure into a faith-filled and faithful life in Christ.

Book review by Paul Jones

Ever wondered what are the best books to give someone that wants to learn about the Christian faith?

In this video, Paul Jones recommends “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis, “Simply Christian: Why Christianity makes sense” by N.T. Wright, and “Unapologetic: Why despite everything Christianity can still make surprising emotional sense” by Francis Spufford.

Book review of “Biblical Preaching” by Haddon Robinson

Preaching can feel intimidating for many. If you want to feel comfortable and confident in preaching, check out “Biblical Preaching” by Haddon Robinson.


Simon Gomersall: An Easter reflection (2020)

Simon Gomersall shared this Easter reflection at Toowong Uniting Church, drawing on insight from the church’s history to make sense of our current circumstances.


Dr Victoria Lorrimar: What does it mean to be human and created in God’s image? (2020)

With incredible advances in bio and medical technology, where do we draw the line with how we “enhance” ourselves? What will we be able to do to and with the human body by 2030 … and should we?


Dr Paul Jones: Scriptural Discernment (2019)

Trinity College Queensland Principal Dr Paul Jones speaks at Newlife Brisbane about Scriptural Discernment.


Dr Victoria Lorrimar: Being Surprised by God (2019)

Dr Victoria Lorrimar was invited to preach at Toowong Uniting Church in June 2019. Looking at lessons for the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15:1-22), Victoria asks, “Can we still be surprised by the magnitude of God’s salvation?”


Dr John Frederick: Colossians 3 (2018)

Sometimes two people can be viewing the exact same scene or reading the exact same text and end up coming away with completely different understandings. This can occur as a result of a confusing or difficult biblical text, or when we are unaware of some of the central underlying theological and grammatical elements of a text. In this sermon, Dr John Frederic shows how Colossians 3 is not aimed at the individual sanctification of believers as salvation solo-projects. Rather, the text invites us to reimagine our own path to holy living as one which is necessarily communal.

Trinity News

  • Student on laptop with other students in background

Two new Undergraduate Certificates Courses available now at Trinity

19 June 2020|

Due to the impact of COVID-19, the Australian Government has encouraged Higher Education Providers (HEP) to create new 6-month courses for people to upskill. FEE-HELP loan loadings for Undergraduate studies starting in semester 2, 2020 [...]