UCA Governance and Regulatory Life

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

A complementary course to Uniting Church in Australia Identity, Purpose & Future, which looks at who, why and where we are as the Uniting Church, UCA Governance and Regulatory Life examines how the church functions [...]

Free – $40.00

Book Launch and ANZATS presentation

You are invited to a Book Launch and ANZATS presentation Human Technological Enhancement and Theological Anthropology by Dr Victoria Lorrimar   Thursday 28 April, 5pm-7pm In person: Trinity College Queensland, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD [...]


Open Evening

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Thinking about further study? Get a taste of Trinity life and learning, meet our community and ask all your questions at our Open Evening. You'll discover what Trinity has to offer, what your learning pathways [...]

Sacramental Practices

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

The practice of the sacraments is so important in the rhythm of the Christian life. This short course will explore the rhythms of grace at work through Baptism and Holy Communion. This rhythm creates a [...]

Free – $100.00

Code of Ethics Foundations

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

This short course is designed as an introduction to the Code of Ethics and Ministry Practice. It will enable participants to identify and explore the 5 key concepts and practices inherent in the Code of [...]

Free – $100.00

Refresher Course: Code of Ethics Foundations

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

This short course is designed as a refresher for those who have previously completed the course on the Code of Ethics and Ministry Practice. Facilitated by Sue Crittall. COST: $40 (onsite) $40 (live-stream) an email [...]

Free – $100.00

Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Join us for an important (and entertaining!) conversation about how multi generational faith communities can communicate and understand each other better. A panel discussion will feature guest speakers spanning different generations with cross-generational experience including: [...]

$5.00 – $40.00

Preaching and Worship Day Conference

This one-day conference will focus on preaching and worship through biblical reflection, practical teaching and workshops. Presented by Paul Jones (preaching) and Dom Chan (worship)  Saturday 6 August, 9am to 4pm   The first part of [...]

$30.00 – $130.00

Discerning God’s Leading

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

This course provides participants with learning opportunities that equip them with skills and practices that allow for a deeper knowledge and understanding of God’s will and leading in their life (Colossians 1:9-10). 'Discerning God's Leading' [...]

Free – $100.00

August Short Course Special

Save when you enrol in both of our August Short Courses Discerning God's Leading and Spiritual Practices  Presented by Paul Jones Tuesday 9 August 9am - 12.30pm and 1 - 4.30pm Onsite and online $40 [...]


Spiritual Practices

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Maturing discipleship is informed by spiritual practices that draw people deeper into God’s life.  This course is aimed at providing practical tools and skills for people to implement within their own walk with God.  It [...]

Free – $100.00

Faith and the Arts Fridays

 Join us for four Friday nights for conversation, imagination and creativity with multi-talented artists, musicians and writers as they talk about how their Christian faith intersects and interacts with their artistic endeavours. 12 August   Visual [...]

Open Days at Trinity 2022

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Thinking about further study in 2023? Join us on campus during our Open Days on 30-31 August and explore your options. About this event If you're thinking about studying theology or professional development in 2023, [...]

Faith and the Arts Fridays

 Join us for four Friday nights for conversation, imagination and creativity with multi-talented artists, musicians and writers as they talk about how their Christian faith intersects and interacts with their artistic endeavours. 12 August   Visual [...]

Faith and the Arts Fridays

 Join us for four Friday nights for conversation, imagination and creativity with multi-talented artists, musicians and writers as they talk about how their Christian faith intersects and interacts with their artistic endeavours. 12 August   Visual [...]

Mentoring 2023

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

This course will provide people with fundamental skills for mentoring. Mentoring relationships exist in a range of contexts throughout the church including mentoring in Phase 1 (Period of Discernment) and Phase 2 (Ministry Practicum) formation. [...]

Free – $100.00

UCA Identity, Purpose and Future – 2023

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

This course is designed to give people a detailed understanding of the UCA’s Basis of Union. It will focus on the theological influence of the ‘Mission of God’ and the ‘Faith of the Church’ on [...]

Free – $100.00

UCA Governance and Regulatory Life – 2023

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

This course focuses on how the polity of the UCA functions.  Participants will come away with a clear overview of what the Basis of Union refers to as, the ‘government in the church’.  The course [...]

Free – $100.00

Code of Ethics Foundations

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

This short course is designed as an introduction to the Code of Ethics and Ministry Practice. It will enable participants to identify the practices inherent in the Code of Ethics and to explore the 5 [...]

Free – $100.00

Refresher Course: Code of Ethics Foundations

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

This short course is designed as a refresher for those who have previously completed the course on the Code of Ethics and Ministry Practice. Facilitated by Sue Crittall. COST: $40 (onsite) $40 (live-stream) an email [...]

Free – $100.00

Open Days at Trinity 2023

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Are you curious about theology or interested in furthering your studies in 2024? Trinity College QLD invites you to our September OPEN DAYS where you can immerse yourself in the Trinity Experience and get a [...]

Taste of Activate Night – October 27, 2023

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Are you ready to activate your life and faith? Join us at our Taste of Activate Night! Explore the ACTIVATE Gap Year Program, a life-changing experience designed for young adults aged 18-25. Discover all it [...]

Taste of Activate OPEN DAY – January 25, 2024

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Are you ready to activate your life and faith? Join us at our Taste of Activate OPEN DAY! Explore the ACTIVATE Program, a life-changing experience designed for young adults aged 18-25. Discover all it has [...]

Open Evening May 2024

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Thinking about further study? Get a taste of Trinity life and learning, meet our community and ask all your questions at our Open Evening. You'll discover what Trinity has to offer, what your learning pathways [...]

Trinity College Queensland Open Days – September 2024

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Are you curious about theology and interested in furthering your studies in 2025?   Trinity College QLD invites you to our September OPEN DAYS where you can immerse yourself in our learning community by spending a "Day in the Life of" [...]

Faculty-Postgrad Research Seminar

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Join us for our final Faculty-Postgrad research seminar of 2024 with Hollie Bailey and Scott Downman. Hollie Bailey (Trinity’s MTS student) will be presenting her paper on ‘Journey from Charity to Community at Jacaranda Community [...]

Understanding Modern Islam with Bernie Power

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Join us for a free seminar about the opportunities for understanding and bridging the gap between Christians and Muslims. Dr Bernie Power (Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations Lecturer at Melbourne School of Theology) and author of ‘Storyteller’ has [...]

Prepare Enrich Training

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Become a Registered Prepare/Enrich Trainer and gain the skills to help couples build stronger relationships through evidence-based assessments and practical guidance on communication, conflict resolution, and growth strategies. Prepare/Enrich training equips facilitators with the skills [...]


UCA Celebrant Training

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Join us for this free short course to train as a UCA Wedding Celebrant. Rev. Paul Clark will lead Celebrant Training over three (3) Tuesday mornings in February. Tuesday 11: Wedding - Legal Training Tuesday [...]


Uniting World/World Mission

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

How does The Uniting Church Australia support world-wide initiatives to better communities? Someone recently asked if we plant Uniting Churches across the world... The answer is, we are the Uniting Church in Australia, we partner [...]
