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This course focuses on how the polity of the UCA functions.  Participants will come away with a clear overview of what the Basis of Union refers to as, the ‘government in the church’.  The course will engage participants with the interconciliar nature of the UCA and explore the church’s decision-making process. This course is necessary for Pastors needing to fulfil core competencies.

Facilitator: Nigel Rogers 


  • $50 per person (onsite)
  • $50 (live-stream) an email will be sent with details for live-streaming
  • Capped at $100 per Church (onsite)
  • Capped at $100 per Church (live-stream) an email will be sent with details for live-streaming

Trinity Candidates for Ministry

  • Free (onsite)
  • Free (live-stream) an email will be sent with details for live-streaming


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