Ministry In Culturally Diverse Contexts

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Discover the biblical roots of mission in this entry-level course, exploring cross-cultural strategies, challenges, and God’s call to reach the nations. This entry-level unit will develop a whole-Bible mission theology, with a deep-dive exploration into [...]

Sacramental Theology

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Jesus gave us two tangible actions through which we can experience grace: Baptism & Communion. Come and learn about these rites to be able to preside over the sacraments in the life of the Uniting [...]

UnitingCare Chaplaincy

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Experience the transformative power of hope and care at the Uniting Church. The Uniting Church’s unwavering dedication to bring Jesus’ message of hope to those struggling has resulted in both small soup kitchens, and large [...]

Trinity College QLD Graduation Ceremony 2025

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Congratulations to all of our college graduates from 2024! You are formally invited to our Graduation Ceremony. Trinity College Queensland invites you to attend the 2025 Graduation Ceremony, at which 2024 awards of the Australian [...]

Congregational Risk & Safety

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

We desire to keep people safe, not because of government legislation, but because it is a practical outworking of the gospel’s call to love one another. Synods Risk and Safety team are leading the way [...]

A Covenantal Church

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

The Uniting Church seeks to live out the ministry of reconciliation that Christ gave us with the First Peoples of Australia. Together, how do we affirm that Christ has been part of life within these lands [...]


Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Journeying with a family at the end of life is a daunting but incredibly precious duty. If you have a desire to be part of such a ministry, you're welcome to as anyone can officiate [...]

A Multicultural Church

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

How can we better serve our Church in a multicultural community? With 1 in 3 Aussies born overseas, and 50% of church members predicted to be born outside Australia, or with a parent born outside [...]

Developing Small Group Ministry

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Small group ministry can be the powerhouse of discipleship, pastoral care, service and evangelism of any church. How can you get it started? What are some frameworks to operate well, and see this ministry thrive? [...]

Scripture Union (SU) CHAT Training

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

SU Australia is launching CHAT Church Training! Join the piloting training session for the new discipleship resource, CHAT Church, which utilises cultural difference to foster spiritual growth. This is an activity-based training session that will [...]

Change Management for Churches

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Change can seem like a 5-letter word in churches. Mention change and Micah 3:6 will be rolled out. Yet the unfolding story of Scripture is one of humanity’s changing understanding, and response to God. Change [...]

Open Evening May 2025

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

Where are you on your faith journey? Whether you're certain you're ready for study or not, you're welcome to our Open Evening! We will help you find your way with a fun evening full of [...]

Being an Intergenerational Church

Trinity College Campus Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower, QLD, Australia

With inclusivity being a core value to The Uniting Church, where are the areas we can improve? The Uniting Church in Australia seeks to be a genuinely intergenerational church in which all ages are welcomed [...]