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With inclusivity being a core value to The Uniting Church, where are the areas we can improve?

The Uniting Church in Australia seeks to be a genuinely intergenerational church in which all ages are welcomed and valued, where every generation is engaged together in active discipleship, growing in and sharing faith in Jesus. All people are generously invited and encouraged to use their gifts and leadership to shape the community and its communal life of worship, witness and service.

While great in theory, we know this is not the reality in all Uniting Churches, and it can be hard to shift our age-segregated, mono-generational and multi-generational ways and practices. Let our Mission Development Partner for Children, Youth and Families guide you in a journey of discovery to explore, what intergenerational church is and isn’t, and how can we start Being an Intergenerational Church in our homes, churches and communities.

Join Jess Pinkerton to find ways to better promote intergenerational values in our churches and communities.

Date: Tuesday 27 May 2025.

Time: 9:30am to 11:30am.

Attend: online or on-campus at Trinity College Queensland, Level 1, 60 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower.

Register for free: email ask@trinity.qld.edu.au or call on 3377 9950.


Being an Intergenerational Church

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