Diploma of Theology (DipTh)

Our Diploma of Theology (DipTh) is an entry-level course that provides a grounding for ministry by establishing a foundation in theological knowledge and reflection. The diploma in theology is practical for use in your local church, community, or workplace. Read on to learn more about this program.

Key Information

Diploma of Theology (DipTh) Course Overview

This is a course of the Australian University of Theology. For more information please visit the AUT course page.

Our Diploma in Theology introduces students to the sources and content of the Christian story and message. It provides training which emphasises application and practice of this story and message in the contemporary world. The course will integrate studies in the Bible and Christian tradition with practical experience.

This course concentrates on the disciplines by which knowledge of God is developed and articulated:

  • Bible & languages Studies Languages (LA)| Old Testament (OT) | New Testament (NT) | Biblical Studies (BB) and
  • Christian Thought & History Theology (TH) | Church History (CH)| Philosophy & Ethics (PE)
  • Diploma of Theology provides a grounding for ministry by establishing a foundation in theological knowledge and reflection.

Through elective units students can:

  • Follow study tracks in the Bible and Christian Thought & History
  • Develop practical ministry skills

Admission Requirements

To study a Diploma in Theology in Australia, you require:

  • ATAR: Completion of Year 12 with an ATAR of 65 or above; or
  • Previous Qualifications: Successful completion of a qualification at AQF Level 5 or above; or
  • Demonstrate Academic Suitability for course: Test, Brief Essay, or Interview
  • Language Qualifications for NESB: IELTS 6.5 overall with minimum of 6.5 in each subtest OR 10 years English in country experience.

Course Units

96 Total Credit Points

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theological concepts and principles.

2. Adapt theological knowledge to a variety of contexts.

1. Construct evidence-based perspectives in a range of theological issues.

2. Demonstrate interpersonal and teamwork skills.

3. Communicate theologically-related concepts and principles to others in a variety of contexts.

1. Demonstrate autonomy in theological learning and reflection in Christian life and ministry.

2. Adapt theological knowledge and skills to various contexts in responsible and ethical ways.

Apply Now

Ready to take the next step? If you’re interested in studying a Diploma of Theology (DipTh) with Trinity College Queensland, submit our application form.