Graduate Diploma of Divinity (GradDipDiv)
The Grad Dip Div allows students who have a non-theological degree to explore the Christian story and message at an advanced level.
The course provides knowledge and training applicable to the contemporary world.
Key Information
Graduate Diploma of Divinity Course Overview
This is a course of the Australian University of Theology. For more information please visit the AUT course page.
The Grad Dip Div introduces graduate students to the sources and content of the Christian story and message at an advanced level. It provides training which combines articulation of this story and message with their application and practice in the contemporary world.
The course is based on the disciplines by which knowledge of God is developed and articulated in the fields of:
- Bible & Languages (LA, OT, NT, BB)
- Christian Thought & History (TH, CH, PE)
It also includes units in the disciplines by which knowledge of God is applied to guide Christian practice in the three areas of the field of Ministry and Practice:
- Evangelism & Missiology (EM)
- Pastoral & Church Focused Ministry (PC)
- Developmental Ministry (DM)
Through elective units students can:
- Develop understanding in the Bible and Christian Thought & History
- Develop particular ministry skills in the three areas of the field of Ministry & Practice
Admission Requirements
Academic Qualifications: Completed 3 year bachelor degree or equivalent
Language Qualifications for NESB: IELTS 7.0 overall with a minimum of 7.0 in reading and writing, and 6.5 in listening and speaking OR 10 years in Australia with English being the language primarily spoken both at home and work
Course Units
96 Total Credit Points
24cps from the following units
- OT001-812Â Old Testament Foundations
- OT002-812Â Old Testament Prophets and Writings
- NT001-812Â Jesus and the Gospels
- NT002-812Â The Early New Testament Church
12cps from CH / TH / PE units
- CH001-812Â Christianity in History to 1550
- CH002-812Â Christianity in History from 1550
- TH005-712Â Foundational Christian Beliefs
- PE014-812Â Biblical Theology of Work
- TH101-812Â The Knowledge and Doctrine of God*
- TH102-812Â Creation and the fall, the Person and Work of Christ*
- TH003-812Â The Doctrines of Grace and Eschatology*
- TH004-812Â Church, Sacraments and Ministry*
* Co-requisites apply
60cps elective units from any field
at Level 8 or above
- Any of the above units not already completed
- PE014-812Â Biblical Theology of Work
- PC064-812Â Christian Spirituality
- PC001-812Â Ministry Formation
- PC108-812Â Missional Discipleship
- EM024-812Â Principles of Evangelism
- DM010-812Â Youth Ministry
- PC047-812Â Preaching 1
- PC049-812Â Chaplaincy Skills 1
- LA005-812Â New Testament Greek A*
- LA006-812Â New Testament Greek B*
- LA003-812Â Biblical Hebrew A*
- LA004-812Â Biblical Hebrew B*
- OT016-812Â Wisdom Literature*
- OT008-812Â The Pentateuch*
- OT010-812Â Former Prophets*
- NT026-812Â Romans*
- NT016-812Â The Fourth Gospel*
- NT008-812Â The Synoptic Gospels*
- NT023-812Â Other Writings*
- PC071-812 Missional Leadership in the 21st Century
- EM023-812Â Missional Spirituality
- EM044-812Â Missional Hermeneutics
- EM045-812Â Cultural Exegesis
* Co and/or pre-requisites apply
Learning Outcomes
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Ready to take the next step? If you’re interested in studying a Graduate Diploma of Divinity with Trinity College Queensland, submit our application form.