EM059-512 – Mission Leadership Foundations

Credit Points

12 Credit Points (CPS)

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will

Know and understand

  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge and understanding of leadership in mission in cross cultural contexts, including the methods and standards of professional, safe and ethical practice

Be able to

  • Outline the foundations of leadership in cross cultural ministry
  • Describe the impact of current missiological issues on cross cultural leadership contexts and practice
  • Present organised evidence-based perspectives on leadership in mission in cross cultural contexts

Be in a position to

  • Relate perspectives and skills from ‘Mission Leadership Foundations’ to contemporary Christian living and ministry contexts


What is Leadership?

  • Biblical, Cross Cultural and Contemporary perspectives.
  • Spiritual life disciplines (silence and solitude, journaling, fasting, prayer)
  • Coram Deo,
  • Priority of Prayer,
  • Solitude and Fasting,
  • The character / lifestyle of the cross cultural leader:
  • Servant leadership – the biblical foundations, cultural influences, and practical implications,
  • Humility and vulnerability,
  • Openness and woundedness,
  • Life balance/Stress/Accountability,
  • Self-­‐awareness – Myers Briggs Personal Profile – workshop with particular reference to the relevance and application in varying cultures.

The relationships of the leader:

  • Mentoring introductions and workshop practice,
  • Cross cultural and cross gender mentoring issues,
  • Leaders intentionally developing leaders across cultural boundaries,
  • Nurturing and maintaining healthy relationships in personal life and ministry.
  • Peer group discussions on the topics of this unit.

Critical thinking and reflection:

  • Contemporary missiological trends and issues impacting cross cultural leadership.